Component properties

The Places (New) Autocompelte Svelte component offers a range of properties for customizing its behavior, appearance, and data handling. This page provides a detailed overview of each property.


Configure the behavior and appearance of the Places Autocomplete component using the following properties:


Type: string

Your Google Maps Places API Key.

onResponse *

Type: callback

Callback function that receives the selected place details.


Type: callback

Callback function is called when an error occurs.


Type: object | Default: {}

Object for additional request parameters (e.g., types, bounds). See AutocompleteRequest.


Type: array | Default: ['formattedAddress', 'addressComponents']

Array of place data fields to return. See Supported Fields documentation for a comprehensive list of available fields. Note that the Places Autocomplete service does not support the following fields, even if they are available in the Place Details API: geometry, icon, name, permanentlyClosed, photo, placeId, url, utcOffset, vicinity, openingHours,icon, and name. If you need these fields, you must make a separate call to the Place Details API using the returned `place_id`.


Type: object | Default: See default values below.

Options for customizing the components behavior and appearance.

Options Property

Configure the behavior and appearance of the Places Autocomplete component using the following properties:


Type: boolean | Default: false

If true, the input field will be focused automatically when the component mounts.

placeholder *

Type: string | Default: Start typing...

Placeholder text for the input field.


Type: string | Default: off

HTML autocomplete attribute for the input field. Set to "off" to disable browser autocomplete.


Type: boolean | Default: {}

If true, and if an origin is specified in requestParams, displays the distance to each suggestion. The distance is calculated as a geodesic in meters.


Type: string | Default: km

Specified the distance units. "km" or "miles". Only used if distance is set to true.


Type: object

Object to override default Tailwind CSS classes. See Styling

2025 Places Autocomplete Svelte.